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  • 31 Steps


SPINAL RESET 5 Weeks to a healthy happy spine. Your whole nervous system depends on your spine and is super important we don't neglect it. We're going to work with our spinal muscles to awaken and reset our spines. We will reset bad patterns, develop body awareness and expand your practice. We will increase flexibility and strength maximising your potential and minimising risk of injury. We will explore our spines, working with: TWISTS FORWARD FOLDS SIDE BENDS BACK BENDS Each week there will be: 2 x 60 Min Classes 2 x 20 Min Classes 1 x 30 Min Class The opportunity for self reflection (swadhyaya) Classes are accessed through and will be saved for the life of my website - which I hope is for a long time! You can complete the classes in your own time or in line with the days that they are released, you do not need to attend classes live, live classes will be posted the week before, times vary so please check each week.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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