Whoa Westhoughton!!!
We're turning out like it's January not the summer holidays!
Thank you yogis for showing up for yourselves. The energy you bring is immense!
We have a complete mixture of people in this room, people who have been with me for years, people who stumbled across me and people who have done my yoga for beginners courses.
If I'd have shown my beginner yogis what we were doing last night, 14 weeks or 8 weeks ago they'd have said they will never be able to do it and ran a mile, bit they have built strong solid foundations and they're flying.
They have truly come on a wonderful journey.
Last nights class had levels and options and everyone went to where they were comfortable, we create a space where there is never any judgement, a space where people laugh, moan, groan, sweat and cry (me last night) a community is growing, so much so I need to use gongs to stop the excited chatter at the beginning of class...by the end, the chill and peace vibes are in abundance ✌🏻
Let's make the most of this wonderful room whilst we have it in the summer!
We go again tomorrow night, another class, another opportunity to step onto your mat, to connect with your body, to move, to challenge, develop and grow and I can't wait to share with you!